Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11784 ::
[Araq] Oh threadpool, my threadpool
11762 ::
[Araq] It is annoying that the template doesn't resolve the symbol at template caller.
11618 ::
[slangmgh] GC refc or MarkAndSweep bug with msvc compiler optimizer.
10226 ::
[Araq] May bug with ``ptr ref`` combine closure?
10180 ::
[Araq] Is it bug of pragma nodecl?
9765 ::
[Araq] try-catch misbehavior
9723 ::
[Araq] TinyRE - Tiny Regex Engine for Nim
9187 ::
[Araq] How to disable implicit convert float to int.
8337 ::
[Araq] Confusion about `swap`
8296 ::
[slangmgh] Is it possible to pass a list/array of types to a function?
8235 ::
[Araq] How can I run a procedure with specified time interval
8144 ::
[Araq] Use break statement inside of called proc
8102 ::
[didlybom] An simple nrpl for nim
8072 ::
[slangmgh] Asynchronous processing of http requests vs spawn tasks!
7209 ::
[slangmgh] There is any simple to convert a Time to DateTime?
6391 ::
[slangmgh] How do I revert a my fork back to nim devel?
6311 ::
[slangmgh] Run nimble install with error, need help.
6303 ::
[slangmgh] Runtime generated function with generated constant value
6287 ::
[Araq] Anyway to make the following code work?
5620 ::
[Araq] Bug or feature?
4710 ::
[slangmgh] Help with template!
4704 ::
[Araq] Immutability -- more ideas
4649 ::
[colinc] The portable way to find nimbase.h or system.nim location
4630 ::
[Araq] inline asm err?
4626 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] import object from another file
4613 ::
[Araq] A bug of vcc compiler
4574 ::
[anta40] How to "install" a newly built Nim on a directory?
4573 ::
[moigagoo] Module typeinfo, can't access field by name. Bug or not?
4571 ::
[boia01] Modified version of Kru02's interfaced
4567 ::
[Araq] How to get the address of an proc with same name and different parameter type
4559 ::
[Araq] Is it possible get the export flag of a type symbol
4497 ::
[slangmgh] Cannot build the compiler v0.20 devel in windows.
3914 ::
[Araq] How to cast an inherited object to base object?
3913 ::
[andrea] Finding the type of returned results
3832 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Unicode display
3806 ::
[yglukhov] How to get the address of string ""
3794 ::
[Araq] Is there any problem with the code in atomic.nim for tcc?
3793 ::
[Libman] Installing on Windows issues
3789 ::
[mashingan] init DateTime is very annoying because we always need to initialize the DateTime object
3786 ::
[Araq] Statistics for standard library usage
3776 ::
[Araq] What is the typedesc inside the compiler?
3759 ::
[slangmgh] Possible check if thread is turned on or off in the nim.cfg
3757 ::
[Araq] How to call a macro from another macro
3675 ::
[dom96] Is there any way to create template with await?
3648 ::
[adrianv] How to turn thread spawn call into an async call
3451 ::
[Araq] Bug (?) with templates
2951 ::
[LeuGim] Compile error when wrapper type(...) with template
2931 ::
[Kerp] Anyone tried the "nim secret"?
2884 ::
[jangko] Problem with the generic of sequence.
2872 ::
[slangmgh] concat(seqs: varargs[seq[T]]) doesn't compile when T is seq[int]