Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12699 ::
[Araq] Difference in Nim Run time
11449 ::
[Araq] Dear Araq, how do I create a programming language?
11431 ::
[ElegantBeef] Use of typeof() in object member definition inside macro fails
11373 ::
[ElegantBeef] Trying to get "interfaced" to run with latest nim
11316 ::
[ElegantBeef] Which Nim Paradigm could I use instead of OOP with Generics and Inheritance?
10693 ::
[PMunch] avr_io - nim register bindings and utilities for AVR microcontrollers
10572 ::
[jcosborn] Reuse generic Type of Concept as field Type of another generic Type
10553 ::
[didlybom] Using Concepts for abstracting display graphics
10401 ::
[Araq] Exceptions occurring in top level statements of submodule not being reported/handled
10231 ::
[geotre] German Tax Upload in Nim with Futhark
10146 ::
[cblake] fetching data from many small .txt files
9969 ::
[DeletedUser] iterators composition
9816 ::
[Araq] What would be the bast way to get parsing and validation of parameters (option:value)
9053 ::
[Araq] parseint not defined for char.
8784 ::
[sky_khan] simple event system
7603 ::
[ShinraTensei] ncurses trouble
7435 ::
[Araq] How do I list the files in a directory in Nim?
7143 ::
[dom96] Example of a simply UDP client
6685 ::
[Araq] Should I use object or ref object?
6443 ::
[mratsim] Parallel coding in Nim (as compared to OpenMP/MPI)
6364 ::
[timothee] Setting up a FreeBSD VM for Nim development
6063 ::
[enthus1ast] [Noob Question] : Persistent http sessions in nim
5955 ::
[treeform] How to package a nim program in an APK file
5817 ::
[Araq] Naming conventions - need leading underscore
5811 ::
[kcvinu] [vscode] Anyone willing to share his tasks.json needed to build nim files?
5806 ::
[Araq] Newbie question: Why am I getting the too many variables error on my loop index variable?
5610 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Fastest way to check for int32 overflows
5607 ::
[dom96] use jester with SSE (server side event) example
5582 ::
[dom96] The authors of the Nimacros project stopped working on that book
5526 ::
[Araq] A better way to write a single line of code
4722 ::
[Araq] Lock code block without explicit lock variable ?
4359 ::
[oyster] why var can not be declared this way?
4349 ::
[Araq] int to string
4088 ::
[Araq] Program crashes when more than 4GiB of RAM are allocated
2776 ::
[Araq] Problems reading .csv file when compiling in Windows
1787 ::
[Araq] How does one pass something by reference?
1708 ::
[Araq] Upcoming breaking changes
1165 ::
[Jehan] Newbie question. Program not compiling
1026 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] ..read int from file?
376 ::
[Araq] return in finally