Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
6365 ::
[sdwfrost] arc and mimalloc
5047 ::
[dom96] What do you think about the programming language NIM?
4978 ::
[sdwfrost] NumericalNim, a basic ODE and integration library written in Nim
4864 ::
[sdwfrost] Metaprogramming and wrapping C libraries
4854 ::
[Araq] Wrapping C++ class with overloaded constructors
4450 ::
[Libman] Parallel progress bar/message
4437 ::
[sdwfrost] Nim in Action parallel_counts, readBuffer, and readChar
4166 ::
[sdwfrost] Has anyone wrapped GR?
4118 ::
[sdwfrost] inim, Jupyter and metakernel
3943 ::
[cblake] Strange results with math.sum and stats.mean
3668 ::
[Araq] cpuTime not in JS backend?
3450 ::
[jackmott] Any tips on how I might go about narrowing down the cause of this OSX specific error?
3393 ::
[sdwfrost] Highest uint64
3388 ::
[Jehan] Nim versus Julia benchmark comparison
3185 ::
[jlp765] Using Plotly.js in Nim
3165 ::
[Jehan] List comprehension compilation error
3098 ::
[Araq] Nim on Android
2944 ::
[dom96] choosenim - the Nim toolchain installer/multiplexer
2567 ::
[Araq] Wrapping LSODA C library
2475 ::
[andrea] Cannot load shared library when using -d:release?
2452 ::
[def] Wrapping C library
2215 ::
[dom96] Create a nimble package for a c library
1044 ::
[Araq] Tuple unpacking for an array rvalue?