Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
8805 ::
[arnetheduck] llvm wrap
8757 ::
[federico3] compiling nim from source on low memory SBC
8731 ::
[sekao] Ported C++ OpenGL/GLFW code to NimGL, runs, but geometry seems wrong
8655 ::
[rforcen] implicit surfaces polygonizer
8606 ::
[PMunch] MNIST perceptron
8471 ::
[Araq] complex lib inline
8434 ::
[Araq] Can I somehow share a C++ class with Nim, either by reading it from a dll or otherwise?
8428 ::
[Araq] high precission -> f1024
8376 ::
[Araq] disk based btree
8360 ::
[Araq] distrying seq[ptr T] field
8353 ::
[Araq] heap mgr improved?
8327 ::
[Yardanico] weird error message
8315 ::
[treeform] pixie to direct read a seq[uint32]
8303 ::
[JPLRouge] Nim is just so great, works first try
8278 ::
[dom96] PIG's
8033 ::
[gemath] Fortran to Nim?
7435 ::
[Araq] How do I list the files in a directory in Nim?
5909 ::
[treeform] Parallel example for computing pi efficiently is actually slow
2288 ::
[Araq] Static var declarations
1023 ::
[Araq] Not understanding how to use parallel statement
483 ::
[Araq] Convex Hull in Nimrod?