Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10209 ::
[elcritch] C++ backend just got virtual
9588 ::
[demotomohiro] C++ binding - error: use of deleted function
8658 ::
[Araq] Macros: why and/or when to use them?
8625 ::
[mantielero] UFCS issue
8623 ::
[kobi] Yet another macro DSL
8598 ::
[Araq] Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error
8545 ::
[dom96] Donation matching drive via HN
8483 ::
[Araq] How to use memory leak detection tools on Windows with --gc:arc and -d:useMalloc?
8468 ::
[Araq] Advice needed on exporting symbols from DLL
8448 ::
[mantielero] Wrapperless interop with C/C++
8226 ::
[pointystick] A regex-based linter for Nim in vscode
7901 ::
[Araq] Overridable operator precedence
7788 ::
[timothee] Error: invalid token: trailing underscore
7752 ::
[Araq] Might there be a better `dotOperators` design?