Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
1095 ::
[gmpreussner] Entertainment: From Nimrod to Nim (Video)
1060 ::
[Araq] Getting "Error: internal error: getNullValue: tyNil" when running code during compile
1034 ::
[pdw] Regex anchor to position in string.
1025 ::
[dom96] About multi-line comments and string literal
1020 ::
[Araq] any chance of changing 'echo' to print/println?
1017 ::
[Araq] How to detect the difference between numeric sizes in a generic proc?
1010 ::
[Araq] staticRead doesn't like absolute paths?
1001 ::
[Jehan] learning nim: dash in filename
987 ::
[andrea] light-weight data structures in nim?
971 ::
[Araq] Order of execution
958 ::
[Araq] Modify loop variable
950 ::
[Araq] Automatic zero initialization of discriminator fields
907 ::
[Araq] SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.
857 ::
[Araq] Requirements for code contributions
854 ::
[Araq] Assigning different variants of an algebraic type to a generic field fails