Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
7415 ::
[Araq] Allocating a cstringArray
7086 ::
[enthus1ast] best way to store key definition for a game
6980 ::
[Araq] handmade hero in nim ( warning: noob)
4553 ::
[nucky9] Any advice on doing composition well in Nim
3790 ::
[honhon] VS Code linting broken?
3638 ::
[boia01] Natural type and overloaded procs
3508 ::
[dom96] How to call runForever()?
3502 ::
[nucky9] Error: 'XXX' is not GC-safe as it accesses 'YYY' which is a global using GC'ed memory
3127 ::
[def] Editor profiles fo Nim
3125 ::
[Araq] Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.
3122 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] parsecsv problem
3065 ::
[Krux02] SDL2 and tuples as arguments
2840 ::
[cy] times.TimeInfo isn't getting initialized?
2776 ::
[Araq] Problems reading .csv file when compiling in Windows
2773 ::
[Araq] Book for beginners
2076 ::
[LeuGim] Weird problem with WNDPROC assignment