Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
2942 ::
[Varriount] when will [] ambiguous be solved?
2798 ::
[mogu] Should nim runtime catch signals like SIGFPE and raise an exception by default?
2502 ::
[mogu] Fiber implementation
2500 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Global defer statement?
2497 ::
[Araq] User defined operator Precedence and Associativity
2331 ::
[Araq] What are the important features that are missing in Nim?
1918 ::
[Araq] Linear algebra library
1834 ::
[mogu] How to impl a lend semantics?
1791 ::
[Araq] How can regions model lent and unique pointers?
1751 ::
[Araq] Nim without converting to C before compiling?
1737 ::
[Araq] Version 0.12.0 is out!
1735 ::
[Jehan] prefer ... instead of .. <
1063 ::
[jboy] [Solved] What's the difference between varargs[T] and openArray[T]?
1025 ::
[dom96] About multi-line comments and string literal
1019 ::
[Araq] Should keyword "iterator" better be "iter"?