Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11670 ::
[Araq] Cheap exceptions, opinionated error handling
10639 ::
[Araq] proc/func/method: syntax
10589 ::
[Araq] Cosmo3 multi-os fat binaries with threads
10545 ::
[Araq] Nim boilerplate
10530 ::
[Araq] idea : reuse libraries from other languages
10430 ::
[Araq] Convert back cstring to string
10427 ::
[mashingan] efficient way of running proc at a given time, that can be changed
10422 ::
[mildred] How to update a nimble package?
10403 ::
[Cnerd] Neo vim config for nim
10397 ::
[mildred] IPv6 compatibility (dual-stack AF_UNSPEC)
10366 ::
[Araq] Nim version 2.0.0 is here
10312 ::
[Araq] Nim Sucession Plan
10234 ::
[Araq] Atlas shrugged...
10173 ::
[mratsim] How to cast or pass a {.closure.} as a callback to a C API with userdata pointer?
10162 ::
[Araq] How can I return a tuple of arrays from a proc. Having difficulty with proc signature
10095 ::
[Araq] Nim v2 and gcsafe
10092 ::
[mildred] Tcp buffer reuse for lower memory use
10051 ::
[Araq] Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
9902 ::
[treeform] Nim in production: 350+ HTTP requests per second on a very modest VM
9865 ::
[mildred] How to listen to an IPv6 address but also allow IPv4
9449 ::
[Araq] how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9437 ::
[Araq] Why Svelte is far superior than React (Karax)
9331 ::
[jrfondren] let variable is not gc safe
9314 ::
[mildred] Error: both asyncdispatch.await and asyncmacro.await match, but asyncmacro is not imported
9291 ::
[treeform] fidget: How does the layout system work (what is this orgBox?)
9279 ::
[mratsim] How to use concepts?
9153 ::
[ingo] interoperable stream type
9042 ::
[Araq] The WASM Revolution
8303 ::
[JPLRouge] Nim is just so great, works first try
8188 ::
[arnetheduck] Safe `enum` conversion
8186 ::
[Araq] Pragma to restrict procedure to main thread?
8185 ::
[dom96] Cannot make async futures work with the fidget GUI toolkit
8179 ::
[cdunn2001] Use cstring for C binding
8153 ::
[Araq] nim-ws - websockets for Nim
8140 ::
[Araq] Why does Nim compiler allways depends on another's language compiler?
7989 ::
[Araq] Karax steps forward
7171 ::
[Araq] How to unwrap a seq to a varargs[] procedure argument?
7135 ::
[cblake] tables.add() deprecation in favor of []= is wrong
7110 ::
[Araq] How to make code GC-Safe when a global constant is used in a proc ?
7103 ::
[Araq] GC Safe Problem
7096 ::
[enthus1ast] Which HTTP server library?
7055 ::
[Araq] std/tables [] vs. add()
6361 ::
[Araq] closure procs with the javascript backend
6281 ::
[dom96] Javascript browser backend: cannot include more than a single nim compiled source ?
6280 ::
[mitai] Can the nim compiler run in the browser? Experimenting Nim to template web pages
6238 ::
[treeform] Decoding URL query strings
6237 ::
[mildred] How to cross-compile to ARM and generate a static binary?
5895 ::
[Araq] sveltejs like reactive programming in Nim for the web ?
3755 ::
[Araq] could javascript backend make use of new javascript ES6 module support?