Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10947 ::
[Araq] Found a Niche that only Nim can do: Easy Retro(e.g. MOS 65xx) Development with ORC/ARC
10128 ::
[arnetheduck] Small experiment with compiling the Nim compiler with PGO
9598 ::
[sky_khan] How can I get the fields and field-types of an sqlite-database?
8433 ::
[Araq] db_sqlite prepared statement
7957 ::
[Araq] The `db_postgres`, distinguish "" from NULL
7932 ::
[h3rald] Trouble getting cross compilation to work
7931 ::
[Araq] Add a JS-backend only option to nim.cfg
7779 ::
[Araq] os:any and Newlib/Newlib-nano
7751 ::
[Araq] Multi-threaded features needed for Server
7742 ::
[mikra] GNU-ARM toolchain (baremetal example) with Nim
7525 ::
[sky_khan] "Error: unable to set ODBC driver version." with db-odbc
5866 ::
[Araq] FOSDEM 2020 - Brussels February 1st & 2nd
5803 ::
[mikra] How do you add switched to the build task?
5751 ::
[sky_khan] Sqlite: unfinalized statements error
5664 ::
[Libman] How to properly use Proxies in Nim
5582 ::
[dom96] The authors of the Nimacros project stopped working on that book
5486 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Play audio in Nim ?
5485 ::
[mikra] Domain modeling in Nim
5405 ::
[mikra] Getting memory address of object into string
5266 ::
[mikra] freemind mindmap of some nim-lang forum stuff
5143 ::
[mikra] persistence: ZODB analog for Nim
5141 ::
[dom96] Jester question: passing gcsafe variable into routes
5118 ::
[mikra] rumpkernel or baremetal runtime to run Nim program standalone
5116 ::
[mikra] embedded development tutorial
4985 ::
[mikra] Nim odpi-c wrapper
4952 ::
[Araq] psuedo RFC for async Channels and FlowVars
4894 ::
[mikra] Future direction of db_* modules
4813 ::
[dom96] nimkernel extended
4704 ::
[Araq] Immutability -- more ideas
4703 ::
[Libman] Legal Threats In Nimble Packages
4693 ::
[Araq] Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM
4659 ::
[federico3] LMDB shared across processes
4587 ::
[Araq] Nim GDB Youtube Video
4550 ::
[mikra] SQL modules args/string santization
4407 ::
[dom96] FE web libraries
4357 ::
[mikra] async in a thread; crashes
4320 ::
[Araq] Insert 'NULL' value in Postgres with Nim 0.19.1 without 'nil'
4311 ::
[Araq] Execute a statement by every thread in the threadpool!!
4073 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] beginner question -- interating over an array of strings
3926 ::
[Araq] Nim and function hooking
3896 ::
[Araq] How to define shared sequence correctly?
3888 ::
[dom96] Some Tactics For Increasing Nim Popularity
3700 ::
[timothee] how to call a function by name?
3541 ::
[Araq] Module logging: how to create the right Logger(s) in a library?
3508 ::
[dom96] How to call runForever()?
3339 ::
[mikra] Comment causing compiler to fail?
3328 ::
[dom96] completely new to programming
3324 ::
[Araq] atomics: Why is interlockedCompareExchange8 "safe"?
3319 ::
[jlp765] case statement with exceptions
3302 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] compile time code execution problem
3300 ::
[jlp765] Help with parallelizing a loop
3294 ::
[jlp765] my timerpool implementation
3278 ::
[Araq] Is this use of Nim locks correct?
3269 ::
[Araq] testing private methods in external module
3218 ::
[cdunn2001] about locks and condition variables
3095 ::
[Araq] Nim newbie request/challenge
2933 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Blog post about Nim performance tuning
2770 ::
[Araq] Nim compiling using MS VS2015 (windows)
2115 ::
[Varriount] How to write a Windows service?
1986 ::
[Araq] sizeof() within static context
184 ::
[Araq] How can I pass a string and a list of strings for an sql statement?