Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
7749 ::
[Araq] Twitter in 100 lines of Nim, no JS
7639 ::
[enthus1ast] iNim is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
7559 ::
[treeform] Show Nim: Pixie, a fast 2D vector graphics library we are excited to share!
7512 ::
[timothee] hotcodereloading and libfswatch
6652 ::
[dom96] Nim website front page redesign (unofficial and WIP)
6580 ::
[dom96] Web app architecture?
5989 ::
[Araq] Styling Karax app
5750 ::
[treeform] Simple excel/xlsx reader, support some basic operators.
5634 ::
[DeletedUser] Godot and Blender
5480 ::
[zio_tom78] Nim for Statistics
5135 ::
[mratsim] netcdf for nim
4596 ::
[leorize] new experimental nim plugin for neovim
2364 ::
[Araq] Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...