Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
4628 ::
[Araq] standalone with strings
4186 ::
[markprocess] --app:staticlib linked to main.c crashes when var s = "a"
4183 ::
[colinc] Nim microbit
4180 ::
[Araq] Is .cfg cross-compilation still supported?
4168 ::
[dom96] What is needed for choosenim installation to support linux_arm (raspbian)
4162 ::
[Araq] Error: system module needs: copyString
4161 ::
[twetzel59] Nim on Ultibo on Raspberry Pi - easier for nim programmers
4095 ::
[Araq] Generating pascal interface
4087 ::
[matkuki] Raspberry pi bare metal - Ultibo and Nim
4076 ::
[markprocess] Nim --os:standalone on pi start.elf or kernel.img
4066 ::
[LeuGim] Macro - whileSome: none:
4047 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] Non-blocking keyboard input
4044 ::
[Araq] On exceptions (again)
4043 ::
[dom96] terminal module - File arguments
4040 ::
[jyapayne] How to trap control-c
4038 ::
[dom96] Splitting Karax app into components
4030 ::
[Araq] How to map object to memory address
4020 ::
[jyapayne] choosenim unattended
4017 ::
[dom96] Proposal for Forum Improvements
3978 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Embedded - same70 evaluation board reading usb virtual serial com3 on win10
3968 ::
[Araq] https://nim-lang.org/docs - comment indentation needs improvement
3963 ::
[Tiberium] How do I read os environment variables?
3962 ::
[dom96] nimforum front-end
3956 ::
[dom96] Dog food - lost message - cancel button did not require confirmation
3955 ::
[dom96] https://hub.docker.com/r/nimlang/nim/
3947 ::
[Araq] Reading through all the threads
3927 ::
[Araq] --os:standalone compilable example
2430 ::
[dom96] Official Nim Images for Docker