Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12600 ::
[lou15b] Figuro updates (Nov 2024)
11612 ::
[drkameleon] Super-weird error with builds on latest Windows runner (Github)
11587 ::
[Araq] Latest GCC version (14.1) breaks Nim's C backend
11573 ::
[lou15b] Puzzling compiler crash
11229 ::
[lou15b] Destructors for "ref object" types?
11172 ::
[Araq] Problem with closures and ORC
11045 ::
[Araq] How to detect (and report) reference cycles?
10863 ::
[Araq] Custom constructors
10642 ::
[lou15b] No =destroy hook(s) in std/tables?
10591 ::
[Araq] Which smartptrs to use?
10587 ::
[Araq] Malebogia Locker is not re-entrant?
10580 ::
[Araq] Changing an object's field is rejected in a destructor with new syntax
10561 ::
[Araq] no simple way to import files from dir recusively?
10556 ::
[lou15b] What is the need for "GC safe" when using ORC/ARC?
10549 ::
[Araq] Declaring a global proc variable to be gcsafe has no effect
10534 ::
[Araq] Effects of calls to Garbage Collector when using ARC/ORC?
10507 ::
[lou15b] Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10239 ::
[lou15b] What is the meaning of () after an enumeration symbol?
1741 ::
[Araq] Please, nimsuggest v0.12?
1667 ::
[lou15b] A small request for the next Nim release
1656 ::
[Araq] Valgrind and GC
1655 ::
[Araq] Nimble "update" command
1652 ::
[Araq] How to ensure that a finalizer gets called?
1530 ::
[Araq] Evolution of Nimble
1168 ::
[dom96] why socket.recv() function is so dump