Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
3777 ::
[Araq] cannot call a proc without brackets
3760 ::
[Araq] dynamic dispatch doesn't work with non ref objects in arrays
3741 ::
[gmfawcett] Generic types, when, and static[...]
3738 ::
[matkuki] UTF8 problem ?
3730 ::
[lightness1024] Nim linter: what checks would be most useful?
3686 ::
[Araq] complex statement requires indentation
3684 ::
[mashingan] Algorithms must decouple from containers
3671 ::
[Araq] OrderedTable is not an ordered table
3660 ::
[Araq] db_mysql & threads
3654 ::
[timothee] Warning: parseopt2 is deprecated
3649 ::
[Libman] What can we learn from the SO 2018 Dev Survey?
3641 ::
[Araq] Nim syntax (error) Quiz
3630 ::
[dom96] thanks for init.sh
3604 ::
[Araq] Big integer litterals
3564 ::
[Libman] Nim's status discussion