Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
7709 ::
[dom96] Why memory leaks with ARC/ORC on platform game?
7706 ::
[shirleyquirk] respecting the conventions when declaring a function pointer in a tuple
7688 ::
[Araq] auto declaration of function prototype
7348 ::
[xigoi] regex on "multilines" buffer
7312 ::
[juancarlospaco] using readFile with javascript
7291 ::
[cblake] terminal.nim says i don't have a true color term (but it's wrong)
7086 ::
[enthus1ast] best way to store key definition for a game
6948 ::
[treeform] Is Nim good for creating video games?
6898 ::
[leorize] Help me to configure (neo)vim, please
6848 ::
[Araq] how to create a table of functions ?
6821 ::
[Araq] Globals hunt
6642 ::
[Skaruts] How to compile a dll that I can call from lua or luaJIT's ffi?
6640 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] sets : what are they
6533 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] using nimble for package management