Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12638 ::
[moigagoo] Does Nim have a library for live-reloading?
10104 ::
[Araq] How to make os (e.g. ubuntu) interpret nimscript shebang
9354 ::
[drkameleon] How to use Github's actions/cache with Nim?
6683 ::
[jiro4989] GitHub Actions: workflow to generate documents with ``nimble doc`` and release to GitHub Pages
6531 ::
[Tim_H] Karax not redrawing when adding elements to seq?
6454 ::
[jackhftang] Watch mode
6382 ::
[qqtop] Doc generation fails
6371 ::
[Araq] GitHub Actions: workflow to cross compile and release to GitHubRelease
6366 ::
[zevv] sl command of nim
6334 ::
[jiro4989] A link of RSS feed of nim blog is broken
6277 ::
[federico3] RSS feed of nimble.directory doesn't work. Notification is stopping.
6146 ::
[Araq] Nim 1.2 is here
6116 ::
[federico3] Is RSS URLs of nimble directory broken?
5896 ::
[jyapayne] How to get files from onchange event in karax?
5807 ::
[jiro4989] GitHub Actions to lint Nim code
5531 ::
[hiteshjasani] Nim based Github Actions