Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
4872 ::
[Araq] thiscall calling convention?
4115 ::
[Araq] Importc by ordinal instead of name? (Windows)
2853 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] GObject Introspection based GTK3 wrappers
2242 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] gtk: gSignalConnect how to?
1910 ::
[jdm] How do I get the name of a type in a macro?
1908 ::
[filwit] Pass a type sometimes byval and sometimes byref?
1901 ::
[Araq] High level wrappers, any examples available already?
1438 ::
[Araq] Have these module at seq and string types?
1205 ::
[Araq] cannot update object / tuple in a for loop.
1204 ::
[Araq] Destructors and assignment operators
769 ::
[dom96] How to post task to Dispatcher from other thread?
725 ::
[Orion] Smart pointers to wrap resources from C APIs
423 ::
[Araq] GTK3