Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10720 ::
[Araq] How to make a generic type parameter be late bound for evaluating proc parameter types?
10572 ::
[jcosborn] Reuse generic Type of Concept as field Type of another generic Type
9794 ::
[mratsim] The state of GPU codegen with Nim (bonus: LLVM JIT codegen)
9717 ::
[Araq] Best practices for initializing objects?
9489 ::
[mratsim] nimcuda
6790 ::
[jcosborn] Generics constrain with two types
6753 ::
[Araq] System Programming in 2k20
6324 ::
[Araq] Is it possible for a macro to know the context it is used?
5542 ::
[dom96] the "type" of the curly-bracket structure
4780 ::
[Araq] Some more fun with finalizers
4545 ::
[Araq] Associating data to types
4540 ::
[jcosborn] Creating generic procs with a template
3756 ::
[jcosborn] MPI library?
3713 ::
[Araq] Memory usage skyrocketed with nim 0.18.0 (in my async tcp service test)
3507 ::
[bluenote] block expression
3326 ::
[boia01] question about templates / namespaces / modules
3289 ::
[jcosborn] Getting CommentStmt from TypeDef AST
3213 ::
[perturbation2] OpenMP and Nim
3171 ::
[andrea] Success - calling custom CUDA kernels from Nim
3164 ::
[Araq] Generating custom C code - mixin doc?
3135 ::
[Araq] meta programming a nice SIMD library
3119 ::
[dom96] A talk on HPC
3110 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] SIMD question
2981 ::
[yglukhov] [SOLVED] Specify directory for binary
2792 ::
[jcosborn] any type and proc pointer!
2781 ::
[Araq] Create proc based on existence of type
1164 ::
[Jehan] Nim version of "wc -l" relatively slow
212 ::
[Araq] OpenMP and SIMD