Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10524 ::
[ingo] system.string
9693 ::
[elcritch] ROS2 Library port (Robotics)
7628 ::
[Yardanico] Issues regarding calling an import from python as a routine
7627 ::
[DeletedUser] Data type mismatch issue
7566 ::
[alexeypetrushin] Nim can be so difficult to understand
7455 ::
[mratsim] enforcing a const or literal in a proc parameter?
7269 ::
[Araq] One line comprehension equivalence
7229 ::
[xigoi] Obtain type from proc definition
7206 ::
[timothee] Nimbotics
7055 ::
[Araq] std/tables [] vs. add()
6914 ::
[Araq] Double for loops
6700 ::
[dom96] How to convert sequence of objects to JSON in Nim?
6623 ::
[zahary] SymbolicNim, symbolic algebra in Nim
6612 ::
[Araq] How to ensure that all attributes of an object are explicitly set during creation?
6607 ::
[Clyybber] Is the rule regarding parentheses as "blocs" still valid ?
6605 ::
[oyster] Linking neo to openblas.dll ?