Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
6388 ::
[lmariscal] Git mirror for nimble packages https://reg.nim.moe/
3354 ::
[Araq] Cannot get glfw-nim to work
3273 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] request for feedback - type safe OpenGL wrapper
3135 ::
[Araq] meta programming a nice SIMD library
2987 ::
[ephja] Comparing AST symbols
2968 ::
[Araq] Binary unicode operators
2954 ::
[dom96] Reproducible builds (stop mentioning nimble install)
2409 ::
[dom96] What's the Best Way to Start a Server, Receive Data, Stop the Server, and Return the Data?
2359 ::
[Araq] More control over allocations
2272 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Interesting variable initialization in loop
2230 ::
[ephja] opengl module: OpenGL constants of wrong type
2217 ::
[ephja] An expression/value pair printer helper
2208 ::
[ephja] How do I cast a distinct array type back to it's array type?
2207 ::
[ephja] Implementing conditional extension loading for OpenGL
2198 ::
[Araq] GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper
2181 ::
[andrea] Any parser-generator work in progress?
1856 ::
[ephja] Something wrong with template and varargs?
1844 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] How do you do a nop() in nim?
1832 ::
[cblake] How do I get rid of this warning? Simple code...
1828 ::
[Araq] named booleans
1827 ::
[ephja] users of Async/Await
1806 ::
[dom96] Seeking collaborators on an ECS library port
1759 ::
[dom96] Polling for socket clients
1532 ::
[dom96] A framework for generating libraries and an API for exposing metadata