Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
2353 ::
[enurlyx] Go: Embedding provides automatic delegation.
1704 ::
[Araq] A[T] = object of T does not work
915 ::
[enurlyx] iup Gui tutorial compiles fine, but doesn't run. Help!
737 ::
[Araq] Perl 6, Rust, Nim
686 ::
[Araq] Modifying enclosing scope?
645 ::
[Araq] How to wrapper VARIANT to nim?
580 ::
[Araq] WCHAR array
400 ::
[gradha] Background Thread Problem
399 ::
[Araq] Nimrod - Standard 1.0 ?
394 ::
[zahary] Question about Macros
356 ::
[Araq] Lexer/Parser generators with Nimrod
355 ::
[enurlyx] Extract a substring
331 ::
[Araq] Babel 0.2 released!
299 ::
[exhu] case kind of (object variants)
278 ::
[Araq] What is the Nimrod equivalent for an Interface.
274 ::
[Araq] var or ptr for wrapping c
273 ::
[enurlyx] Shortcut for nested variables possible?
264 ::
[Araq] Default Values for Objects/Tuples
263 ::
[Araq] Generics and procedures with different parameters
222 ::
[dom96] Building Nimrod compiler: undefined reference to lrint'
221 ::
[enurlyx] Need help with untraced arrays and glMaterialfv
209 ::
[Araq] Horizontal parsing
196 ::
[Araq] Can object variants share data?