Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
4818 ::
[Libman] "First natively compiled language with hot code-reloading at runtime"
4668 ::
[dom96] Geometry Library
4550 ::
[mikra] SQL modules args/string santization
3810 ::
[def_pri_pub] Binding a JavsScript object that's not part of the DOM
3191 ::
[LeuGim] Nim and hot loading - any experiences to share?
3173 ::
[Araq] Using `string` vs `seq[uint8]` for non-text data
3146 ::
[enthus1ast] Killing an AsyncHttpServer
3059 ::
[Araq] Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work
2961 ::
[Vladar] Games made in Nim
2841 ::
[dom96] The Linux Game Jam 2017 - itch.io
2789 ::
[zio_tom78] Trouble with reading from stdin
2741 ::
[Araq] C#/Java like interfaces for Nim
2720 ::
[def_pri_pub] Problems making a library and importing it
2712 ::
[dom96] Nim Podcast
2699 ::
[Araq] Seq with custom fields
2698 ::
[Jehan] Why do custom types need to be reference counted objects for dynamic dispatch to work.
2676 ::
[xomachine] Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X
2668 ::
[Araq] How to embed a header file into a .nim file
2665 ::
[Varriount] Return values question
2648 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] Best way to represent pixel data in Nim
2638 ::
[jlp765] Problems trying to wrap a single header file library
2636 ::
[LeuGim] Bitwise operation problems.
2630 ::
[Krux02] Converting a nim string to a ptr GlChar
2628 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] "Error: expression has no address" issue with an array type
2623 ::
[jlp765] How to iterate through a file using readLine()
212 ::
[Araq] OpenMP and SIMD