Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12644 ::
[kobi] merging objects
10529 ::
[gcoles] Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
9716 ::
[Araq] Update on strict funcs
9659 ::
[Araq] Plans for improving tagged enum (ADT) syntax?
9537 ::
[Araq] Compile time safety for case object fields
9417 ::
[deech] Captures in `peg` sub-parsers
9351 ::
[Araq] Error using `bindSym` at compile time
9315 ::
[Araq] Carbon lang
9305 ::
[Araq] Force compilation of unused parts of a module
9280 ::
[Araq] Effect system: filtering tags
9268 ::
[dom96] If imported name conflicts with Nim keyword, what would you call it?
9223 ::
[cmc] Idea: Marketing Nim to Organizations
8927 ::
[Araq] Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8916 ::
[Araq] Using Nim for system libraries?
8723 ::
[didlybom] A rant about Nim bugs
8612 ::
[enthus1ast] How do I inject a NimNode directly instead of going through a macro or template?
8503 ::
[Araq] Nim Nuggets: Talk About Nim At The Strange Loop Conference
8400 ::
[enthus1ast] Article series on multitasking in Nim, first installment: async
8091 ::
[Araq] Improving the documentation: Roadmap, community engagement.
7784 ::
[bpr] Perceus: Optimized Ref Counting For Koka
7599 ::
[Araq] Create proc/template that takes 2 blocks of code
7412 ::
[Araq] Current state of list comprehison in Nim
7344 ::
[mratsim] Generating C++ constructor with initialization list.
7230 ::
[Araq] cpp2nim.py - c++ bindings
7207 ::
[timothee] Statically Check If An Object Is A Subtype Of Another Object
7177 ::
[deech] Does subtyping inside a parameterized type work?
6777 ::
[Araq] Attracting more people...
6756 ::
[Araq] Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6733 ::
[Araq] Blog post about strict funcs
6434 ::
[Jehan] Nim's popularity
6394 ::
[spip] Hackathon as part of NimConf 2020
6325 ::
[deech] Standalone Libclang Nim Apps
5787 ::
[mratsim] Nim wrapper for C++ std::vector? [request]
5779 ::
[Araq] Why does typechecking of generic procs only occur when used?
5468 ::
[mratsim] [Talk] What FP Can Learn From Static Introspection. (features Nim heavily)
5314 ::
[yglukhov] A dynamic container for types
5162 ::
[Araq] Statically reflect on procs in scope that dispatch on some type T.
5067 ::
[Araq] Need Help Fixing An Early Optimization Causing Incorrect Evaluation
4754 ::
[Jehan] Nim + Flutter == bright future?
1709 ::
[Araq] Could c2nim use this technique to parse C headers?