Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
4622 ::
[Araq] pros/cons of dissecting types via getTypeInfo() vs getTypeImpl()?
4616 ::
[yglukhov] safe way to hold traced reference of unknown type?
4577 ::
[Araq] proposing new doc terminology for "compile-time" and "runtime"
4552 ::
[moigagoo] Cannot define `(T: type) -> T` proc within a template defined in another template
4545 ::
[Araq] Associating data to types
4535 ::
[Araq] List of pending CT evaluation features
4532 ::
[alehander42] inserting one template inside another
4507 ::
[andrea] interesting exercise in Nim metaprogramming: Clojure-inspired data