Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
7888 ::
[chrisheller] In Nimpy how to call methods on Python objects? (Example sys.path.insert)
7328 ::
[Araq] Cross-Compiling for Windows 32-bit with ChooseNim Install
7265 ::
[Araq] Nim interact with Windows .NET Frameworks
6186 ::
[chrisheller] Converting Python/Swift to Nim
5912 ::
[chrisheller] Newbie - trying to compile for macos from windows
5772 ::
[chrisheller] Docgen for macro generated code
5569 ::
[chrisheller] Docker image for cross compiling
5173 ::
[bpr] nim users in San Francisco / bay area?
4782 ::
[chrisheller] Example implementing SQLite extension in Nim
4537 ::
[chrisheller] Initializing inherited types in Nim VM
4499 ::
[chrisheller] PEG.js-like API for the pegs module
3655 ::
[Araq] Compile-time type reflection API?
3340 ::
[Araq] The cint == int != int trap
2664 ::
[chrisheller] ARM compiler 6
2663 ::
[chrisheller] Hey , nim compile --run helloworld.nim
2652 ::
[chrisheller] Cross compile to OS X
2154 ::
[dom96] ANTLR Nim - Bounty posted
2142 ::
[chrisheller] Generating case statements with templates
2125 ::
[chrisheller] Compile time object construction oddity
2087 ::
[dom96] Interest in an advanced Nim IDE based in Eclipse?
2000 ::
[andrea] Live coding with Nim
1818 ::
[chrisheller] Compile dynlib from Nim
1765 ::
[Demos] compiling separated x86 & x64 Dll on windows
1733 ::
[chrisheller] a question needed to get a proper answer
1729 ::
[Araq] How to deactivate linking against libdl when cross compiling to AVR MCU?
1726 ::
[chrisheller] DLL building. Abnormal termination
1721 ::
[Araq] Freeimage could not import
1713 ::
[Araq] Matching a type to a concept
1695 ::
[chrisheller] nim doc2 generation fails with "cannot open '../doc/exception_hierarchy_fragment.txt'"
1673 ::
[chrisheller] Translate the project from C.
1130 ::
[Varriount] Building Nim with Salt
1112 ::
[Araq] Parameter doc help
1103 ::
[Araq] Examples of specifying shared library name/path at runtime?
1085 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Capture output of program?
1059 ::
[Araq] Using COM Interface