Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
6881 ::
[Araq] Pragma for unfinished features
6813 ::
[mratsim] Why `foldl` is not working with `openarray`, seems like it should work.
6804 ::
[gemath] Can't instantiate generic object with type restriction
6798 ::
[Arrrrrrrrr] Reversed traversal of iterators instead of creating a reversed copy
6733 ::
[Araq] Blog post about strict funcs
6721 ::
[mratsim] Generic vs static parameter
6543 ::
[treeform] Recursive Function type
6540 ::
[didlybom] tests in the same files as the code
6510 ::
[SolitudeSF] Tables and Import
6202 ::
[spip] Detecting type errors in template at compile time
5537 ::
[mratsim] Maybe distinct