Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
7516 ::
[catswhiskers] Nlftk : FLTK for Nim : how do you associate a callback to a button?
6631 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] fltk binding for Nim : getting error " Error: cannot open file: fltk"
5214 ::
[Araq] [RFC] Why use Nim?
4569 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] questions on binding C DLL
4561 ::
[oyster] [release]binding for FLTK C dynamic library
4539 ::
[Araq] still no success binding DLL's callback function
3320 ::
[Araq] Do we really like the ...It templates?
2555 ::
[andrea] Connecting Nim with Python
191 ::
[Araq] Case sensitivity: the T/P prefixes must die