Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
9554 ::
[Araq] Evolving the GUI definition
8569 ::
[didlybom] Plotting library
7321 ::
[Araq] Native GUI development for MacOS
5862 ::
[mashingan] Looking for someone to continue Nimmongo!
5044 ::
[dom96] nimble is not installing nimongo
4023 ::
[dom96] using async nimongo -- trying to fix a type error
3971 ::
[mashingan] the nimongo example code for mongodb client -- how does it work
3345 ::
[Araq] [Solved] Method overloading failure? (Nope, just module name conflict)
2265 ::
[Varriount] Getting reference to implementation of symbol in macro, not a copy
1582 ::
[Araq] openarray syntax improvement suggestion