Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12655 ::
[Nycto] Deserializing JSON with a union/anyOf type
12599 ::
[Nycto] Resolve generic symbol to resolved type
10626 ::
[Araq] Compile time code optimization.
9795 ::
[Nycto] Alternative to closure iterator that works in JS
8912 ::
[Nycto] Discovery rules for the 'items' iterator
8877 ::
[Nycto] Void as a type in a tuple
8867 ::
[dom96] Exclude from generated docs
8850 ::
[Nycto] How to find bottlenecks?
8830 ::
[cblake] Atomics: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'testAndSet'
8772 ::
[Nycto] Look up proc signature from an ident
6074 ::
[Nycto] Type safe opengl
4689 ::
[Nycto] Compile time type introspection
3908 ::
[Nycto] Nim, opengl and SDL2: texture artifacts
3445 ::
[Araq] Prevent accidental object copies
3052 ::
[Araq] Defining procs with a template
3047 ::
[andrea] Advance Nimble configs?
2806 ::
[bluenote] Documentation for structures created with macros
2794 ::
[dom96] Outside of the permitted namespace
2354 ::
[dom96] Vindinium game starter kit
2340 ::
[Varriount] Concepts, name resolution and polymorphic behavior
2033 ::
[dom96] Kind Code Critique
1766 ::
[Nycto] Concepts with Generics around Concepts
1713 ::
[Araq] Matching a type to a concept
1617 ::
[Varriount] Converters and varargs
1604 ::
[Jehan] Is there interfaces in NIM language?
1306 ::
[Araq] Work around for lambda lifting error?
1208 ::
[Jehan] Borrowing brackets for distinct seq
1153 ::
[Araq] unittest or discard string?