Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
9075 ::
[DeletedUser] Changing order of templates causes compilation error. Why in this case?
9062 ::
[ErikWDev] Searching "jester" on nimble puts it on the bottom
9059 ::
[Araq] Fidgets: widgets using Fidget
8993 ::
[Araq] Help show all advantageous differences among inline procedure, template, macros
8980 ::
[coffeepot] Just open sourced "easyess", an Entity Component System in Nim
8777 ::
[moigagoo] Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8499 ::
[dom96] Nanim: Inspired by 3b1b's manim, I created a GPU-accelerated framework for smooth animations in Nim!
8478 ::
[dom96] Hacktoberfest 2021 Megathread
8277 ::
[Araq] Why can't I use my macro like this?