Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10547 ::
[Akito] Compiling on i386: Pointer size mismatch between Nim and C/C++ backend
10424 ::
[mratsim] Explanation for SSL/TLS Error
10018 ::
[Araq] Do you miss these compact syntaxes?
9821 ::
[mratsim] static assert fails
9783 ::
[Araq] Async Socket with SSL Context throws "error:1420C114:SSL routines:ssl_write_internal:uninitialized"
9324 ::
[sky_khan] Illegal storage access
8971 ::
[cblake] Nim project using C++ Backend with single module using library wrapping a C library
8927 ::
[Araq] Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8276 ::
[Araq] String related Segmentation Faults
7898 ::
[mashingan] Suddenly getting infinite genericDeepCopy recursion
7340 ::
[mratsim] Error cross-compiling json-nim-rpc
7128 ::
[Araq] Regular expressions in Nimscript?
7068 ::
[treeform] To slice or to stream?
7033 ::
[solo989] quit() returning bool in else branch?
6941 ::
[geotre] Inspecting provided `type` within macro
6886 ::
[leorize] Confusing behaviour with cstringArray
6660 ::
[xbello] paramCount in NimScript not working?
6058 ::
[timothee] Times in the VM?
4983 ::
[juancarlospaco] Nimscript proc missing?
4840 ::
[boia01] Show: dali — a pure-Nim indie assembler for Android .dex & .apk files
4825 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Is there way to change «proc» naming?
4824 ::
[dom96] Need help with creating a module featuring asynchronous access of Redis
4822 ::
[dom96] Error: undeclared identifier: 'await'
4758 ::
[Araq] Nim vs V language
2306 ::
[cblake] using seq for Table key