Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12662 ::
[Araq] Nim book idea - It would be worth it?
12638 ::
[moigagoo] Does Nim have a library for live-reloading?
11693 ::
[Araq] This Month with Nim: October 2023 to June 2024
11651 ::
[juancarlospaco] Nim Killer Fullstack App
11630 ::
[moigagoo] Upcoming "Nim for Pythonistas" talk at PyCon Italy
11290 ::
[Araq] Do we have a list of breaking changes in the next major release?
10721 ::
[Araq] Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10627 ::
[Araq] Editor inlay hints?
10529 ::
[gcoles] Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
10486 ::
[Araq] "Benchmarking the Beast" update
9596 ::
[Araq] A cost model for Nim v2