Nim VSCode Extension 1.4.0 and Nim langserver 1.8.0
VSCode Release Notes:
NimLangserver Release Notes:
- Nimble Integration - Adds support for nimble files and displays nimble tasks in the status panel.
- You can run Nimble tasks directly from a nimble file.
- Automatically calls nimble setup when a Nimble project is detected.
- UI Improvements
- Replaces the bell icon with a blue underline to highlight propagated exceptions.
- Language Server Enhancements - Macro expansion on hover usages (Experimental)
- ARC expansion on hover proc definition (Experimental)
- nim check is now the default linting backend (you can revert to nimsuggest chk by setting "nim.useNimCheck": false). This should help to reduce nimsuggest issues as nimsuggest chk is one of the most extensive commands.
- Better management of nimsuggest processes. nimsuggest is terminated after a period of inactivity.
- Bug fixing and other improvements.
Nimble Releases
Nimble has received multiple updates since our last announcement, and it remains an active area of development. It now also follows its own release cycle (separated from nim).
Below are highlights from the most recent versions. For full details, check out the Nimble Releases Page.
- Smarter Dependency Resolution The SAT solver now falls back to a previous package version if the latest one is unsatisfiable.
- Improved Nim Version Selection Favors the user’s system Nim version if it meets the package requirements.
- Caching & Misc Improvements Caches tagged packages for faster lookups.Includes various fixes and performance improvements.
- Precompiled Binaries Nim dependencies now use precompiled binaries when available. To opt out, use -disableNimBinaries.
- Enhanced SAT Error Messages Easier to identify and resolve conflicting dependencies.
- Other Fixes A range of smaller bug fixes and improvements.
- `requires` Flag Allows adding extra packages to the dependency resolution process.
- Standalone Mode Nimble can function without nim being in the path.
- SAT Solver by Default The SAT solver is now the primary solver for dependency management.
Lastly, there is a new action setup-nimble-action which allows to integrate nimble in your CI:
We extend our gratitude to the Nim team for their hard work on these improvements, the community for their feedback, the contributors for their contributions, and special thanks to Status for sponsoring the development.