GtkSourceView-ERROR **: Error while loading the completion UI: Invalid object type `GtkSourceCompletionInfo'
I think debugging that is not really easy, and has very low priority. To see how completion may look I compiled a test application shipped with gtksourceview. It looks like this picture That example, and some other newer GTK3 examples seems like to use XML resource files for the GUI -- recently someone wrote in the Forum that he likes that also, so there must be some benefit... These files are converted to C and then linked to the application, as described in
Do we have an idea how to map that to Nim?
IIRC Gtk2 had the same with Glade but you could simply load the XML, no need to compile it to C. Maybe GTk3 can do this too?
(Btw it's just sad that Gtk 3 still uses XML for this. XML is the wrong format for UIs since a UI is not a "document"... Plus XML with its nice "declarative" syntax ends up being more verbose than actual code that creates a tree.)
Interesting, thanks for your hints. I just found the remarks of Kasprosian about "imperative approach to building the GUI" again:
I will investigate that soon...
[EDIT]: Ah, and you have commented that already!